Creative Development - Salt Water City - HOTA
We head into the creative wonderland of HOTA on the Gold Coast to begin exploration on this exciting work Salt Water City. Pearly collaborates with contemporary dance marvel, Riannon McLean, to lead an extraordinary team of artists, including composer Amelia Barden and film maker Megan Donneman. Together they shall spin lavish tales of life in the Impossible City on the Sea.
The ambition is for a large-scale performance project in the not to distant future. During this week of initial creative development, the team will let ideas unspool, throw spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks! This is made possible by the brilliant HOTA Creative Development Programme. Follow the blog to see what wonders rise up from the deep! |
The Bardo, Epicurus & The Banshee
In 'The Bardo, Epicurus and the Banshee' three great singers contemplate the ultimate subject: death. Sharing three visions of the good death, ranging from the ethics of care to Irish keening and the sense that death is not the end, Pearly, Leah and Narelle weave spiritual, humanist and magical threads into a beautiful celebration of mortality.
'The Bardo, Epicurus and The Banshee' will deliver wonderful singing, thoughtful vignettes and hilarity in the face of the inevitable. |
Water Songs
Heed the Sirens' call! Bleach Festival presents Stringmansassy front-woman and Gold Coast favourite Kacey Patrick, leading a band of water minstrels including Pearly Black, Karl S Williams and Carl Pannuzzo to serenade us from the canals, creeks and channels of the Coast, while we gather on the shores of backyards and public parks. Let your thoughts drift as you listen to exquisite tales and haunting songs, which explore our enduring fascination with, and love of, water in all its moods.